
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Like a God (College student) among children (High School students)

Now this the story all about how
My college life is upside down
And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there,
I'll tell you why many college students' heads are filled with air!

Before we get this show going, consider the following:
1) I came up with those lyrics myself
2) Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is one of the greatest shows of all time.
3) When a Mommy and a Daddy love each other very much, they kiss for a long time. That's where babies come from. "It's Science."

                                                                        You're welcome!

Children, there's a reason I opened up with those lyrics. Daddy is mad. Daddy is mad because he pays thousands of dollars every year and has to sit in a room with f**king idiots who have zero respect for people who bust their ass to one day make something of them self. Daddy is especially mad that he actually might have to compete with some of these people for a job one day.

In short, this is why I hate some of the people I go to school with. I put strict emphasis on the word 'some' because a lot of the people I go to school with are actually pretty bright individuals and are actually there to master their craft, or at least discover a new interest (or find out where babies do come from, or why some dogs are brown.)
I admire the hard working individual. The individual that rises early in the morning, brews that fresh cup of coffee and reads the morning's newspaper, and the same individual who waves and offers good mornings to those who pass. Their days consist of hard work and application of knowledge and work ethic (*Side note: Mornings are awful. "Eff mornings, yo.")
What I don't admire is those who show up to work/class/anything that requires using your brain, half-ass their way through the day, while causing a ruckus and ruining it for everyone else. I'm talking about the individual who doesn't belong in a College/University/anything that requires using your brain atmosphere.

Anyone who knows me well, (you all know who you are!) knows that I've wanted to be a radio broadcaster since I was thirteen years old and that I'm a pretty goal-oriented person. I know what I want and where I want to go. Even though I might not know how to get there sometimes, I do what it takes to find out and I apply myself as best as I can to achieve the goal at hand. I know that a lot of people that are reading this, share this exact feeling about their passion/goals/life.

Remember when I mentioned the, "f**king idiots who have zero respect for people who bust their ass to one day make something of them self?"
That's where they become a part of the picture I'm about to paint.

I have a class on Tuesday mornings that involves a guest speaker, specifically someone who's directly involved in the Radio Broadcasting industry, whether it be through sales, on-air work, or production. These speakers take time out of their day to speak to us and give us insight into the industry.
These are people who have been to hell and back, and lived to talk about it. (Cliche line #1)
These are people who have worked their hands to the bone. (Cliche line #2)
These are strong, independent black women who don't need no man. (...Okay, I made that last one up.)

In all seriousness, these speakers don't have to show up.

They don't need us.

To them, we're just a sea of heads that are filled with knowledge/air/crap/Slim Jim's/coffee. No matter which way I put it, it doesn't change the fact that after these guest speakers finish their presentation, they have a career to resume.  

We don't.

Sure, there are people in the program that are further ahead than others because they've got internships and they already know people in the industry, but until they've established something significant, they're just another head.

Which brings me to my main argument about students and respect. (or lack thereof)
There's certain individuals in our class that have absolutely no respect for anyone or anything. They come to class, whip out their cell phone and do one of the following (or all...)
1) Begin texting their friends about how much life sucks or how the speaker looks lame.
2) Speak at room volume while the speaker is speaking, thus making it incredibly hard for me to hear anything.
3) They laugh/giggle at words that sound funny (fart, underwear, poop.)

I don't pay thousands of dollars in tuition to sit in a class and hear the voices in my head, (Credit: Jim Craig) nor do I pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear a conversation that consists of these phrases:
1) OMG!
4) WHAT?! OMG.
*Side note: As convenient as lists are, I need to stop using them so much.

Earlier, I mentioned that there are individuals that bust their ass on a daily basis to master their craft and are working to be successful. There are also those who half-ass their way through it all. What makes me sick is the fact that some people who half-ass their way through everything will end up being more successful than some of those who have dedication. I'm not writing this blog entry to make enemies. I'm writing this entry to speak for those who don't speak. (Great song by No Doubt.)
I say this stuff so other people don't have to. I AM THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS. (#lame)

I could go on and on about this, because respect is something that this planet will always be lacking. It's a never ending vicious circle that everyone is a part of, along with a million other things that this world doesn't need. I'm not trying to be a Philosopher or pretend to be some all-knowing God, but I see this kind of stuff on a regular basis and I use this blog to talk about it. It might start discussions, it might start debates. Hell, it might even start a fire/protest/rally against me. Either way, I'm not afraid to speak the truth.

Goodnight, world. /endofrant


  1. Why are you daddy? You don't have kids.

  2. Lol it's to go along with the line, "Children, there's a reason for these lyrics."

  3. First of all the best experience of my life was University. Learned so much about my abilities as a person and my responsibility as a person within society. As did my peers who came out enlightened.

    Enter college. I don't hate someone unless I know them from head to toe. And there are two people that I know in a quarter of a century of being alive that I can say I've hated. And even know when I think of it I don't hate them anymore, as much as I don't care to think about it at all.

    But I don't like someone the people I go to school with either. I've spoken to plenty on my own time and the one's I ended up getting along with, happened to be people in my class that i've gotten to know outside of class. I'll be coming back to this point.

    Everyone has potential to do/be someone great in life, even if it's being the best window washer or the the best nuclear physicist. Not all can be a Steve Jobs, Carlos Slim, Nelson Mandela or Stephen Hawking.

    The individual who rises early in the morning for a hot cup of confidence and determination is the individual who gives back to society. Because they are earning it. The honest ones.

    And this comes from personal experience. From having lived with natives in South America, turning my back on the "civilized" world to being a leader/director in Non-profit organizations at home. I spend a good time reflecting on myself and being involved before hand in many things before I decide to make it a mission to complete a task. That next task being college.

    So i actually appreciate where I am. It's a privilege to be where I am because I earned it. Not by marks, not by getting a loan, not by emailing an application. No. I did it because I became something much more. And I'm not saying everyone has to commit themselves to this just the same. But, I earned that seat across my professor who is there to educate me further.

    And when I look at the dumbass person across from me making a complete fucking idiot out of themselves in class, let alone ruining it for everyone, it only reveals something for me. I am ahead of the game. I sit there and analyze. And that's how I know who I'm talking to, who I'm going to deal with, and so on. Because clearly they don't belong there.

  4. "I have a class on Tuesday mornings that involves a guest speaker, specifically someone who's directly involved in the Radio Broadcasting industry, whether it be through sales, on-air work, or production. These speakers take time out of their day to speak to us and give us insight into the industry."

    They are doing our dumb asses a favor, yes dumb, because we haven't earned that rank. Since were in the same class, when I hear some loud motherfuckers act like jackasses, i just tell myself, good luck. Good luck getting into this industry. Because in most cases for broadcasting to make it big, given the level of your expectations, you start by wiping someone's ass first.

    "Which brings me to my main argument about students and respect. (or lack thereof")

    I already handed one such student a piece of my mind. That student made the first move to go to the professor and make me look like a villain. The professor upon hearing this student's apparent frustration comes to me after I apparently "threatened" this student. I'll get back to this in a second.

    It took less than 2 minutes to say what I had to say to my professor who stood there in silence with his mouth open. Why. Because I told him everything he already knew about this person and more without taking things out of context. This student is loud, disrespectful, rude, etc. Am I pulling this outta my ass? No. Other profs agreed, as did many our classmates. As does half the institution. But since I'm vocal in an educated and poised manner despite being one of the quieter ones I told the prof why I'm here, what it means to me, why it's a mission for me, etc, and why I see this person as a problem to myself because I share the same environment. Anyways, in the end it all turned back onto that student, who ofcourse turned onto that student. Thing is this student is a bright student, but this student is still stuck in high school. Has no respect for anyone or anything, laughs, giggles...this person is just a mess. As for the "threat"....a comment/opinion is not a threat. I'm passing judgement on your character because I had to sink that person's level of ignorance to get my point across, that's why it came off as a threat, but the student knew exactly what it meant but chose to play the victim card as a pretense of their own guilt and denial which only reveals their insecurity and weakness of character.

    "I don't pay thousands of dollars in tuition to sit in a class and hear the voices in my head, (Credit: Jim Craig) nor do I pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear a conversation that consists of these phrases:
    1) OMG!
    2) LIKE, OMG!
    3) OMG! LIKE, OMG!
    4) WHAT?! OMG.
    5) OH.MY.GOD."

    You aren't afraid to speak the truth bud and neither am I. But the truth is a punch in the gut and it hurts like a motherfucker.
